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Expired Funding Opportunities

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This page presents expired funding opportunities from OVC. Use the search filters below to find specific solicitations. Click on a solicitation title to see details about the solicitation along with any resulting awards.

OVC FY 2019 Field-Generated Solutions for Tribal & Non-Tribal Communities to Improve Services for Victims of Crime

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The overarching goal of this program is to support victims of crime and to bridge gaps in services to victims. Applicants may apply for one or more of the following purpose areas (PAs): PA 1: Innovative Programs to Fill Gaps in Tribal Crime Victim Services, PA 2: Innovations in Telehealth, PA 3: Improving Responses to Victims of Burglary, PA 4: Improving the Ordering & Collecting of Restitution for Victims, and PA 5: Other Innovative Programs to Fill Gaps in Crime Victim Services.

OVC FY 2019 Enhancing Language and Other Access to Services Program: Training and Technical Assistance Invitation to Apply

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The purpose of the Enhancing Language and Other Access to Services Program: Training and Technical Assistance is to increase the capacity of the 20 over grantees funded under this program to develop and implement language access plans and provide direct services for victims of crime, including victims who are Deaf, hard-of hearing, limited English proficient (LEP), and blind and/or visually impaired.

OVC FY 2019 Enhanced Collaborative Model Task Force to Combat Human Trafficking Invitation to Apply

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The purpose of the Enhanced Collaborative Model Task Force To Combat Human Trafficking (ECM) Program is to assist communities in developing effective and sustainable multidisciplinary task forces that will implement victim-centered and coordinated approaches to identifying victims of sex and labor trafficking, addressing the individualized needs of victims through services, and investigating and prosecuting sex and labor trafficking cases (and the purchasers of commercial sex) at the local, state, tribal, and federal levels.

OVC FY 2019 Discretionary Training and Technical Assistance Program for VOCA Victim Assistance Grantees

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The purpose of this solicitation is to provide training and technical assistance to VOCA Victim Assistance service providers and others who work with victims of crime. Activities funded through this program may include, but are not limited to: the establishment or enhancement of state victim assistance academies, statewide training initiatives, crime victim-related conferences, basic training for new programs, or scholarships to attend conferences and/or training.

OVC FY 2019 Using Telehealth to Improve Care, Access and Quality of Sexual Assault Forensic Exams

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OVC is seeking applications for funding to enhance the care for sexual assault victims, improve access and quality of forensic examinations, and expand access to the expertise of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs) through telehealth technology for communities with limited access to trained SANEs. Apply under one of the following two purpose areas.

OVC FY 2019 Enhancing Community Responses to the Opioid Crisis: Serving Our Youngest Crime Victims

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The purpose of this solicitation is to address an urgent gap in crime victim services related to the opioid epidemic and to expand upon existing or establish new programs to provide services to children and youth who are victimized as the result of the opioid crisis. OVC anticipates that this solicitation will support service providers in expanding their current scope and expertise to ensure that children and youth—the most vulnerable victims impacted by the opioid crisis—are supported as they heal from the impact of crime and substance abuse.

OVC FY 2019 Transforming America's Response to Elder Abuse: Mobilizing Attorneys for Older Victims of Abuse & Financial Exploitation

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This program will provide increased legal services for older victims of crime (particularly in rural areas), educate attorneys and allied professionals about the needs of older victims, and increase coordinated multidisciplinary responses in supporting older victims of crime. OVC conducted a pre-application webinar on June 24, 2019, and a recording and transcript of this webinar are available at www.ovc.gov/grants/webinars.html. Apply by July 15, 2019.

OVC FY 2019 Specialized Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance and Resource Development

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This program seeks to: (1) enhance the quality of services available to assist victims of human trafficking by providing specialized training and technical assistance (TTA) to stakeholders; (2) develop resources that commemorate the 20th anniversary of the passage of the Trafficking Victim Protection Act to raise public awareness, promote community outreach, and create educational activities to address human trafficking; and (3) develop a resource to improve the response to victims of human trafficking. Applicants may apply for one or more of the following purpose areas (PAs).

OVC FY 2019 Transforming Family Justice Center Services: Creating New Pathways of Hope and Healing for Polyvictims

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OVC seeks to expand the work and lessons learned from OVC's FY 2016 demonstration initiative, "A Pathway to Justice, Healing, and Hope: Addressing Polyvictimization in a Family Justice Center." Purpose Area 1: OVC expects to fund up to six FJCs or similar co-located service model agencies to: implement the validated assessment tool (see Appendix A); increase partnerships with traditional and non-traditional FJC services to serve identified polyvictims more holistically; expand case management services to include a thorough understanding of the specific needs of the survivors; and build capacit

OVC FY 2019 Building State Technology Capacity and Elder Abuse Hotlines

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This program seeks ambitious yet viable proposals from Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Formula State Administrating Agencies. Successful applicants will implement visionary statewide technology programs to enhance victims’ access to services, foster innovation and efficiency in the provision of services, improve the quality of services, and improve the accessibility and responsiveness of victim service organizations. OVC conducted a pre-application webinar on June 11, 2019, and a recording and transcript of this webinar are available at www.ovc.gov/grants/webinars.html. Apply by July 8, 2019.

OVC FY 2019 VOCA Victim Assistance

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Under this formula grant program, OVC will award each eligible state victim assistance program an annual grant to support eligible crime victim assistance programs in that state or territory. Funds under this program shall be used by states and territories to support eligible crime victim assistance programs that provide direct services to crime victims with the following exception: states and territories may retain up to 5 percent of their total grant for administrative and training purposes. Apply by 5:00 p.m. e.t. on July 8, 2019.

OVC FY 2019 Transforming America's Response to Elder Abuse: Enhanced Multidisciplinary Teams (E-MDTs) for Older Victims of Abuse and Financial Exploitation

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OVC is seeking applications for funding to support the development and/or enhancement of multi-disciplinary teams (MDTs) and to strengthen the capacity of "enhanced MDTs" to better identify and respond to cases of abuse and more comprehensively serve and support victims of elder abuse and financial exploitation by also funding a National Elder Abuse Training and Technical Assistance Center. OVC conducted a pre-application webinar on June 17, 2019, and a recording and transcript of this webinar are available at www.ovc.gov/grants/webinars.html. Apply by July 8, 2019.

OVC FY 2019 Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking

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The purpose of this program is to improve outcomes for children and youth who are victims of labor and sex trafficking by integrating human trafficking policy and programming at the state or tribal jurisdiction level and enhancing coordinated, multidisciplinary, and statewide approaches to serving trafficked youth. Applicants should identify the state or tribe’s greatest barriers to identifying and assisting child and youth victims of sex and labor trafficking and/or to investigating and prosecuting these trafficking cases, and propose a program to systematically address those barriers.

OVC FY 2019 Field-Generated Innovations in Assistance to Victims of Human Trafficking

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To meet the needs of a rapidly evolving anti-trafficking field, and to best serve victims of human trafficking, OVC is seeking innovative ideas to enhance identification of and services for victims. Proposed projects should develop or enhance promising practices, models, and victim-centered programs, or apply them in innovative ways, to build the capacity of victim service providers to close gaps in assisting all victims of sex and labor trafficking in the United States.

OVC FY 2019 Enhancing Language and Other Access to Services

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This program seeks to enhance language access services for crime victims to break down barriers that prevent many individuals from reporting crimes and accessing the services they need after crime victimization. Funding will support the provision of direct services, the development of language access plans, and will expand the capacity of community-based organizations within linguistically specific communities to address the needs of victims of all types of crime. View a change to page 6 at www.ovc.gov/grants/pdftxt/FY19-EASP-Solicitation-Updates-508.pdf.

OVC FY 2019 Advancing the Use of Technology to Assist Victims of Crime

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Through this program, OVC will support national-scope initiatives and regional initiatives (that can be replicated nationally) to maximize the use of technology to improve and increase access to crime victim services. Projects could include, but are not limited to: (1) Development of new national app(s) or creation of another technology platform designed to serve victims of crime. (2) Development of regionally focused app(s) or creation of another technology platform designed to serve victims of crime.

OVC Transfer DCR-BJA FY 19 Enhanced Collaborative Model (ECM) Task Force to Combat Human Trafficking: Supporting Law Enforcement's Role

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The purpose of this solicitation is to support law enforcement entities in building capacity and operational effectiveness as a core member of a collaborative, multidisciplinary human trafficking task force. Eligible applicants must operate as part of a multidisciplinary human trafficking task force and identify and partner with victim service providers to offer comprehensive services to all victims of human trafficking.

OVC FY 2019 Reducing Child Fatalities and Recurring Child Injuries Caused by Crime Victimization

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OVC will provide funding to support the development of multidisciplinary strategies and responses to effectively address children who have experienced serious or near-death injuries as a result of abuse and/or neglect, and to reduce child fatalities. OVC will fund up to five demonstration sites, and the initiative will be carried out in two phases – Phase I: Planning and Phase II: Implementation.

OVC FY 2018 Integrated Services for Minor Victims of Human Trafficking

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This program is designed to enhance the quality and quantity of services available to assist minor (under the age of 18) victims of human trafficking. Organizations funded under this program will provide (directly and through partnerships) a comprehensive array of services that minor victims of human trafficking often require to address their needs for safety, security, and healing. Funded applicants will be expected to serve minor victims of both labor trafficking and sex trafficking.

OVC FY 2018 Enhancing Community Responses to the Opioid Crisis: Serving Our Youngest Crime Victims

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OVC is seeking applications to support crime victims and to enhance community-driven responses to the current opioid crisis. Under Purpose Area 1, applicants will develop and execute plans to support children and youth directly at the community or jurisdictional level. Applicants are expected to work with an OVC-designated national training and technical assistance provider to further enhance these efforts and contribute to the growing body of knowledge about these issues and underscore successful practices.

OVC FY 2018 Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP) for Crime Victim Compensation and Assistance

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Supplemental crime victim compensation and crime victim assistance following mass violence or domestic terrorism incidents. AEAP is a mechanism by which the Director of OVC may award supplemental crime victim compensation and crime victim assistance to respond to an act of terrorism or mass criminal violence. The criminal act must be of sufficient magnitude that it overwhelms the affected jurisdiction's or program's ability to respond to the event.