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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Human trafficking

Confronting Labor Trafficking Through a Victim-Centered Approach

February 2024

Brecht Donoghue, Director, OVC Human Trafficking Division, led this National Human Trafficking Prevention Month webinar to spotlight labor trafficking and resources available to survivors. Learn about labor trafficking victim needs and resources available through the re-launch of Framework, an OVC-funded, labor trafficking-specific training and technical assistance project.

Register for Webinar on Forced Marriage and its Intersections with Human Trafficking and Other Forms of Violence

Forced marriage is a significant, yet hidden, problem in the United States. The reasons behind forced marriages are complex and varied. Families may view marriage as a way to protect family honor, preserve culture and community, or ensure their child’s well-being and economic security. Nevertheless, forced marriage can have harmful, lifelong consequences for those at risk.

Register for a webinar hosted by the Office on...

Learn About OVC’s Multidisciplinary, Victim-Centered Approach to Improving Responses to Victims of Human Trafficking

OVC’s Enhanced Collaborative Model Task Force to Combat Human Trafficking Program offers federal funding to both a law enforcement agency and a victim service provider to co-lead a diverse set of multidisciplinary partners to increase victim identification and enhance an overall response to victims and survivors of human trafficking.

A recent article in the latest “COPS Community Policy Dispatch” discusses the resources this program offers. Read the article to learn about...

January 2024 Featured Resources

This featured news content includes information about National Human Trafficking Prevention Month, National Stalking Awareness Month, Identity Theft Awareness Week, and the release of the National Crime Victims’ Rights Week artwork.