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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Victim services

Combating Human Trafficking

Combating Human Trafficking

With funding appropriated through the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act, OVC administers the largest amount of federal funding dedicated to responding to human trafficking in the United States.

OVC funding supports the delivery of direct services such as case management, housing, legal assistance, and multidisciplinary collaboration and state-level approaches to identifying and serving victims of human trafficking. In addition...

VOCA Statutory Set-Asides

VOCA Statutory Set-Asides

OVC supports direct services for victims of federal crimes through the following federal agency programs:

  • The Children’s Justice Act (CJA) provides up to $20 million annually to help states and tribes develop, establish, and operate programs to improve the investigation and prosecution of child abuse and neglect cases—particularly cases of child sexual abuse and exploitation—and to improve the handling of cases of...

Crime Victims Fund

Crime Victims Fund

The Crime Victims Fund (the Fund), established by the Victims of Crime Act of 1984, supports services for victims of crime throughout the Nation. OVC is charged by Congress with administering the Fund, which is composed primarily of fines, special assessments, and bond forfeitures from convicted federal offenders, making it a self-sufficient source of compensation and assistance that does not rely...

Research & Evaluation

Research and Evaluation

Data on Crime Victimization

In FYs 2019 and 2020, OVC funded two partner agencies—the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) and the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)—in their endeavors to generate, collect, and analyze quantitative and qualitative data on victimization, victim services, and related topics critical to the field.

OVC continued an interagency agreement with NIJ to support research for the field, including...

Support for Law Enforcement

Support for Law Enforcement

OVC supports partnerships with law enforcement agencies at the state, tribal, and local levels to combat crime, promote safer neighborhoods, and establish collaborations between police and the communities they protect. Through discretionary grant programs, OVC grantees help agencies provide effective, trauma-informed law enforcement practices to better serve all victims. OVC also funds national-scope discretionary programs to provide comprehensive services to victims...

Building Partnerships Toolkit

Date Published
Publication Type
Training (Aid/Material), Report (Technical Assistance), Report (Grant Sponsored), Instructional Material (Programmed)

Building a Culture of Trust

Date Published
Publication Type
Report (Technical Assistance), Report (Grant Sponsored), Program/Project Description, Instructional Material