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SARS Clarification, VOCApedia Monthly Update, and Other November Updates

A Copy of an Email Sent by Kathrina S. Peterson, OVC Acting Deputy Director, on December 17, 2019

Good Evening Administrators,

We are excited to share with you many updates from OVC. This email is long, but full of good nuggets of information for both Compensation and Assistance Administrators. Keep reading and don’t panic!

SARS Update & Clarification: We recognize that we issued conflicting...

FY 2020 VOCA Assistance and Compensation Solicitations and Allocation Tables

The Office of Justice Programs (OJP) has released the FY 2020 VOCA Victim Compensation and Victim Assistance allocation tables:

OVC is accepting applications for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Assistance and Compensation formula solicitations. Applications for both solicitations are due by Monday, June 1, 2020.

OVC FY 2020 VOCA Victim Assistance

All applicants must register in OJP’s Grants Management System...

Faces of Human Trafficking Video 5: Effective Victim Services

December 2015

This video includes information on the importance of providing victim-centered, trauma-informed services to meet the wide array of needs experienced by trafficking victims. Coordination and collaboration are critical in responding to the diverse population of trafficking survivors, as no one provider can meet all of the needs of all types of trafficking victims.

If You're a Victim of Crime, Help is Available

October 2016

This 2.5-minute video describes the help that is available for victims of crime by recognizing the effects of crime, identifying certain victims' rights that are guaranteed in most states, and describing services available from state victim compensation and assistance programs. If you or someone you know is a victim of a crime, there are resources. Visit www.ovc.gov/help for more information.