Crime victim services
Office for Victims of Crime TIMS Snapshot Report, July 2016-June 2017: Services for Victims of Human Trafficking
Office for Victims of Crime TIMS Snapshot Report, July 2017-June 2018: Services for Victims of Human Trafficking
Partners in Justice—BIA Victim Specialists
This video, prepared by OVC and the U.S. Department of the Interior's Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), presents an overview of the BIA Victim Specialist Program and identifies some of the program's successes and challenges providing services to victims of crime in Indian Country.
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Alcohol-Facilitated Sexual Assault in Indian Country: Services and Support for Victims
OVC and the Office on Violence Against Women collaborated to produce this four-video series, designed for criminal justice personnel, victim advocates, and allied professionals who work with victims of sexual assault in Indian Country. This public awareness video addresses various types of support for sexual assault victims in Indian Country.
- Access a listing of all the videos in this series.
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A Healing Journey for Alaska Natives: Responding to Survivors of Violence
This video provides an overview of the multiple challenges victims face when pursuing safety and justice in Alaska, including geographic, climate, and jurisdictional realities. Traditional values, local customs, cultural practices, and trauma-informed care help victims to heal and serve to promote the well-being of communities.
- Access a listing of all the videos in this series.
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Indiana Statewide Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking Virtual Conference
National Organization for Victim Assistance 46th Annual Training Event (Webinar)
Service, Support & Justice: Law Enforcement Response to Crime Victims
This video presents the benefits, challenges, methods, and responsibilities for placing a high priority on crime victims' interests and meeting their needs, and for enhancing law enforcement agencies' response to victims of crime across the Nation.
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OVC Partnerships With Law Enforcement
Law enforcement personnel are often the first contact that victims of crime have. It is therefore critical that law enforcement understand the needs of crime victims and provide a trauma-informed response.
This 6-minute video discusses OVC-sponsored programs and resources to enhance the delivery of services to victims of crime by law enforcement agencies.
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Recursos en Español
Aquí encontrarán documentos y vínculos a páginas en español de la Oficina de las Víctimas de Delitos (OVC, por sus siglas en inglés).
Publicaciones en Español
Las siguientes publicaciones se ofrecen para servir al público americano que no hable inglés y también pueden servir como modelo de acción a otros países.
La Guía de Recursos de la Semana Nacional de los Derechos para las...
Identity Theft Victim Assistance Online Training: Supporting Victims' Financial and Emotional Recovery
Polyvictimization in Later Life
Responding to Victims of Terrorism and Mass Violence Crimes: Coordination and Collaboration Between American Red Cross Workers and Crime Victim Service Providers
Understanding Human Trafficking
Victim Rights and Services
Being a victim of crime and navigating the criminal justice system can be a frightening and confusing experience. But with funding authorized under the Victims of Crime Act of 1984, and through the dedicated efforts of advocates, lawmakers, victim service providers, and allied professionals there is an extensive range of services and resources available to help victims heal and obtain justice.
Numerous government agencies...
Mobile Apps for Crime Victims and Providers
The following mobile applications (apps) provide information and resources about various types of victimization.
The inclusion of a mobile app on this page does not constitute an official endorsement, guarantee, or approval by OVC.
Before downloading any app, you may be interested in reviewing information from the Safety Net Project, a project of the National Network to End Domestic Violence.
OVC-Funded Apps
Help for Victims
Find assistance if you are a victim of crime, including national helplines, help in your state, and contact information for your state’s victim compensation program.
Human Trafficking
View available OVC resources, awareness materials, and services for victims of labor and sex trafficking and victim service providers.
2020 National Crime Victims' Rights Week (NCVRW) Poster
2020 National Crime Victims' Rights Week (NCVRW) Resource Guide
If You're a Victim of Crime, Help is Available
This 2.5-minute video describes the help that is available for victims of crime by recognizing the effects of crime, identifying certain victims' rights that are guaranteed in most states, and describing services available from state victim compensation and assistance programs. If you or someone you know is a victim of a crime, there are resources. Visit for more information.
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What is the Crime Victims Fund?
This 2-minute video describes the Crime Victims Fund, a major funding source for victim services throughout the Nation that is made up of fines, special assessments, and forfeited bail paid by people who are convicted of federal crimes in U.S. courts around the country. The video offers information about the various grant programs funded using VOCA dollars and OVC's collaboration with state administrators of victim compensation and assistance programs.
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