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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Community outreach

OVC FY25 Invited to Apply Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside Formula Program

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
Tribal applicants whose OVC FY25 Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside (TVSSA) Formula Program population certification was accepted will be notified via an email to the applicant primary points of contact and authorized representatives. Funding under this program can be used to support activities such as direct services to victims of crime, traditional healing practices, needs assessment and strategic planning, and more.

Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Victims of Crime Act

VOCA 40th Anniversary Logo featuring a quill next to the number 40, both above a piece of paper.

In recognition of the 40th Anniversary of the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA), the Office for Victims of Crime has compiled a toolkit of resources about the history of VOCA, the Crime Victims Fund (CVF), the programs it supports, and its important role in the lives of victims and survivors of crime.

VOCA was signed into law on October 12, 1984. Among its provisions...

Comprehensive Services for Human Trafficking Victims

Geographical Areas Served
  • Multnomah County
  • Clackamas County
  • Washington County
  • Malheur County
Indicates all geographic areas to which services are provided, excluding states. See States Served.
States Served
Indicates all applicable states in which services are provided.
Funding First Awarded

Comprehensive Services for Foreign-Born Human Trafficking Victim-Survivors

Geographical Areas Served
  • Hennepin County
  • Ramsey County
Indicates all geographic areas to which services are provided, excluding states. See States Served.
States Served
Indicates all applicable states in which services are provided.
Funding First Awarded

OVC FY24 Field-Generated Solicitation: Increasing Options and Expanding Access for Victims of Crime

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
OVC seeks field-generated proposals that offer innovative solutions that will increase access to victim services and expand the options available to crime victims, especially in underserved communities. This solicitation encourages prospective applicants to partner with nontraditional partners that may not be typically associated with the victim services field.

OVC FY24 Trauma Recovery Center Demonstration Project

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
The purpose of this program is to establish trauma recovery centers in communities significantly impacted by violence with a focus on addressing the urgent need for trauma recovery support and access to victim compensation for those who traditionally will not seek it out or are unaware that assistance is available.

OVC FY 2023 Field-Generated Solicitation: Increasing Options and Expanding Access for Victims of Crime

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
OVC seeks field-generated proposals that offer innovative solutions that will increase the service options available to crime victims, expand access for underheard and underrepresented communities, or improve the way information is delivered to crime victims. Applicants will be asked to state the problem they are aiming to solve and present an innovative solution that will generate new or promising practices for the field.

OVC FY 2023 Advancing the Use of Technology to Assist Victims of Crime

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
OVC seeks applications that demonstrate innovative strategies to create, expand, or enhance the use of technology to interact directly with crime victims or to provide information, referrals, crisis assistance, and long-term help.